There is an organization called the Listening Room Network (LRN) that supports and facilitates the concept of bringing world-class musicians into your home for top-notch live performances in front of an appreciative and attentive small group.

It turns out that my cousin and her husband are hosts and they had a concert scheduled while I was in town visiting. The musician/artist above is Elizabeth Hareza, (aka Elizabeth Bee) and what a wonderful and evocative performer she is.

There is something so magical and extraordinary about being up close and personal with such beautiful talent and artistry without the distraction of hooting and hollering and other behaviors typical in a bar, club, or concert venue.

Only the sounds of her instruments and voice filled the air.

One may join the LRN as a host, a performer, or a fan.

I am a member as a fan but, after this experience, I will think about maybe becoming a host.

Folks make a voluntary donation that goes to the artist so it's not a commercial venture - just a bunch of folks getting together in a private home. Hmm? I've got room for 15-20 people and a musician or two...........