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Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Monday, June 28, 2021
Friday, June 25, 2021
Boston Seaport District, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
This has become one of the iconic views of Boston. When I arrived in Boston about 25 years ago, the Seaport area was almost a wasteland of empty lots and rundown commercial buildings. Anthony's Pier 4 restaurant was the big attraction. Anthony's is long gone now and the area is filled with shops, businesses, condos, apartments, museums, the convention center, the world trade center - it's a vibrant modern community. (The Ben and Jerry's ice cream store even had a few vegan flavors to choose from).
Having spent time in New York City recently, to come back to Boston gives me a good basis for concurrent comparison. I prefer the smaller more manageable Boston area. It's not as overwhelming as New York City for a simple man like me.
The Roseway tall ship is a popular tourist attraction. Shown here coming back in to dock after a harbor cruise.
Now docked, passengers disembark and the crew readies for the next voyage.
Kayaks at the ready but, not enough customers just yet.
A Boston Tea Party boat gives tourists history lessons. The three boxes floating in the water are simulating the tea thrown overboard during the famous Boston Tea Party in December 1773.
Outdoor vendors and restaurants - folks are flocking to the downtown areas now that pandemic restrictions have been eased state-wide.
One of many park areas found throughout the district.
Heading back to the car park after my visit to the Seaport District, I took a brief detour to again see the current mural in the Rose Kennedy Greenway. It's painted on the back of a vent building for I-93 which runs underground beneath it. The mural changes periodically and is always stunning.
Monday, June 21, 2021
A Day in the Life of Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

To see one lounging about like this is also very unusual - not just the lounging but, just staying there hanging out in the open. Usually, whenever they see me moving around inside by the glass they immediately run away.

They rarely walk in the water but, those fresh leaves at the pond edge are too tasty to resist.

Even mom and her fawn were in the water. That is especially unusual for her to come out in the open like this - much less to walk in the water.

The fawn was very tentative as the water was almost deep enough to cover the entire length of it's legs.

This one came over to the house side of the pond to munch on some fresh greenery.

The above Great Blue Heron was fishing for frogs at the pond edge while.......

....a companion observed from a higher tree branch nearby.

This resident Red-shouldered Hawk landed on a dead log beside the pond, shook like crazy leaving this oddly disheveled and fluffy look to his feathers.

These two turkeys sought refuge in the treetops as a gray fox trotted through the yard.

I caught a bad reflection from the glass in the upper right corner but, you get the idea.

Watching this little duckling keeping up with mom as the rain peppers the water surface. Mom was going her normal speed so you know that the little one was pedaling furiously to keep up and keep close. Another day of life in the suburban wild.
All these critter images I captured from inside the house through double-paned glass with a point-and-shoot camera (Sony WX-500). It has a 720mm equivalent zoom feature and is handy for distant wildlife though not particularly sharp.

And lastly, the human wildlife. Over at nearby White Horse Beach, it was surprisingly empty. With the new town sticker system in place to allow only Plymouth residents to park near the beach, I stopped by on both a Saturday and Sunday afternoon about 3pm and found empty parking spaces both times. That is a first in my 20+ years here.
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Central Park, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

I thought for my final big outing of this trip before returning home I would stop by Central Park one last time and visit "Strawberry Fields" and the "Bethesda Terrace." Since it was still blistering hot outside, these locations and the subway ride would provide some relief from the direct sun. Photo-wise, I was in luck at both locations. At "Strawberry Fields," someone had left a rose on the inlaid tile medallion and the dappling sunlight made this image and moment even more special. Add in a busker playing Lennon/McCartney music in the background.

I really like this space in Bethesda Terrace and enjoy visiting it. The light, the architecture, the people. Here, a lone busker plays classical music on his guitar. It has been rare to not find it full of people for an image like this. Truth be told, there are folks sitting on the far wall bench hidden behind the left-most column. Walking towards the light at right leads to......

...this broad stairway where a young woman in silhouette walks through the terrace.

Luck of timing allowed me to see this couple who were having wedding photos made here.

The only thing better than wedding photos would be to capture a dancer in a swirling skirt silhouetted against the bright steps - next time. Maybe I'll set up a tripod and timer and bring along a swirly skirt.

And with that, I took my final subway ride back to my starting point at 34th Street/ Penn Station. Only a dollar left on my MTA card.

After dinner, the temperature had dropped to the low-80's F so I made one final walk on The High Line.

And that, as they say, is that. Another great trip to an always entertaining and grand world-class city.

Friday, June 18, 2021
Statues, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

When I think of major New York City statues, though there are many, two iconic ones that come to mind are the Statue of Liberty and the bull on Wall Street.

I wanted to see both of them - and I did.

It has been said that the best free view of the Statue of Liberty is to ride the ferry between the southern tip of Manhattan and Staten Island. The ferry runs every day, all day, always free, no reservations required. The southbound trip (shown above, I am on the northbound trip capturing this image) travels close enough that even on a moving boat with my point and shoot camera I was able to get these images. It was a hot and hazy day but still.......

Nice place to go for a pleasure sail.

There are paid reserve ticket ferries that go directly to the statue and dock. Lots of people are standing along the edge at left above who did just that.

Mighty nice gesture of France to donate this to the United States. It was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and its metal framework was built by Gustave Eiffel. The statue was dedicated on October 28, 1886.

This is the view of Lower Manhattan from the end of the ferry - back or front - coming or going - this one coming since there is no wake.

Approaching Manhattan, the ferry will dock where the red arrow points.

A short walk from the ferry station and I found there were only a few other tourists at the bull on this particular weekday morning. Some felt the need to climb on it...

...while others were content to pose with it.

Some were content to walk on by.

The ride back uptown began with a nearly empty car on the subway. Ah, New York.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Washington Square, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

Washington Square has been called the heart of Greenwich Village. Many of the buildings that surround it now are part of New York University. This 10-acre park has a storied past and present.

It is a place of great beauty and history and affords people a lovely parkland area in the densely developed city. There were musicians, artists selling their wares, ice cream and drink vendors, and many people of all ages and varieties sitting in the shade or strolling during my brutally hot afternoon visit.

Even in the blistering heat, this man seemed to be fond of the direct sun though his dog had other ideas and jumped in the fountain to cool off just before this moment.

I'm not sure how this man got his piano in and out of the park but, somehow he did it. He was playing healing music for the person underneath lying on the mat.
Moving an upright instead of a grand piano is perhaps somewhat more practical. This busker was at the other side of the park.

I sat for quite some time listening to these amazingly talented musicians playing for passersby.
On my way back to the subway, this "For Sale" sign a half block from the park caught my attention. I was intrigued by the Vespa scooter parked in front. I have always wanted one of them - bright red only. When I later got to a computer I checked on the property listing. It's a 5 BR, 5 BA, 4,600 sq. ft. townhouse. It's asking price is $17,750,000. No, that's not a typo - it's almost eighteen million dollars! Here's a link to the Zillow listing. (I hope they plan to include the Vespa as part of the deal).