So I woke up at 1am with full moonlight streaming in the windows and had an idea : take some pictures. I stumbled downstairs in the darkness to preserve my night vision and sat before an open window. While this is not a particularly great or interesting photograph, I show it to illustrate a point. I took it at 1:10am in pitch darkness except for the full moon. After all, since moonlight is reflected sunlight it should look much the same as in daytime. There just isn't as much light so the camera shutter must be kept open longer to gather more light. My point and shoot has a manual setting that allowed me to shoot at ISO 3200, f3.3, and 30 seconds - a little longer might have helped but 30 seconds was all it would permit.
Here's the same view in normal daylight at 10:00am at ISO 100, f3.3, and 1/125 second. Shadows are different since the sun and moon were in different locations but still, interesting to see and compare and an interesting experiment to conduct.
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