Piazza San Michele is looking fine as always in this panoramic image. The center of town since Roman times, it is always buzzing with activity or folks just relaxing on the the steps of the church.

The late afternoon sun backlights the busy foot and bike traffic through Porta San Gervasio. The Porta was part of the ancient walls of Lucca and was completed in 1255. I walk through it daily on the way to the forno (bakery/bread store) and still enjoy a sense of awe.

Over at Porta dei Borghi, weekend pedestrian traffic fills the narrow gateway. Like the Porta San Gervasio, it was completed in the mid-13th century

Bicycle rental companies are popular for folks wanting to ride around town on the wall or, through the narrow streets dodging pedestrians, dogs, cars, and other bikes.

Some hugging and picture-taking is going on atop the wall.

Another day draws to a close from atop the wall.

The carousel lights come on in Piazza Napoleone.
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