It's dark, windy, rainy, snowy, and cold tonight in downtown Ithaca. Not an ideal set of circumstances but, I had a 15-minute walk to get downtown to see a performance at the Kitchen Theatre Company so I get what nature gives me.

"Bold, Intimate, Engaging." Great attributes to delight any theatre-goer.

The show was the "2.5 Minute Ride," by playwright Lisa Kron. The synopsis: "Flip through the Kron family archives–from the annual Ohio amusement park vacation to the father-daughter journey to Auschwitz to see where his parents were killed – as one woman takes on the big things, the little things, and the unexpected ironies that tie them all together." (Source: Kitchen Theatre Company website).

The 80-minute production featured Lena Kaminsky as the only cast member. I note from her resume that she studied at Emerson College. Emerson College has been a source of many talented performers at my favorite performing arts venue, Priscilla Beach Theatre, in southeastern Massachusetts.

The 100-seat venue was delightfully intimate, the actress was totally engaging, and the storyline bold. Hmmm? where have I seen those three words before? (Note: I arrived early before other patrons to make this image - they filled in shortly thereafter).

The current season offerings.

On my way back home after the show, I was drawn to this neon icon like a moth to a flame. Remember when neon signs were everywhere? No? I guess I'm dating myself.............this place has been open for 40 years.