This evening, the 12th Annual
Ithaca Ice Fest began on the Ithaca Commons in downtown. I arrived just as the event was beginning on the first of its three days. Not many folks are here yet, but, a few are already dancing at the "Silent Disco." There is a DJ behind the blue lights and each dancer in front of the stage is wearing earphones with the tunes playing privately - thus, a silent disco.
The ice chairs and holiday tree were popular for the parents to pose the kids.
Yep, the star on top is all ice. It is fortunate that temperatures are well below freezing tonight and forecast to be so for the next two days. That's one less obstacle the artists/sculptors will have to contend with when the carving competition gets underway.
This is the "Ice Bar," which as you have guessed is made up of ice. Beer, wine, and hot chocolate are expected to be popular.
It even has a nice bar curve to it.
As I headed back home, a light snow flurry passed through the area, faintly visible in the light rays from the disco ball. Looks like it's going to be a fun time!
On Day 2, I arrived as the ice sculpting competition was already underway. Each sculptor is provided an identical block of ice and has exactly 20-minutes to create their piece in this speed competition phase. Judging takes place at the conclusion of each 20-minute session. Other sessions will be held over the three day event. As you can see, a chain saw is the principal tool for the initial large scale shaping.
The finer details are achieved using various other drilling, grinding, and sanding tools.
20-minutes is not a lot of time for a competitive/creative activity like this.
On the final day, the artists/creators had two blocks of ice and three hours to make some magic.
A handy tool holder.
And magic they did truly make!!
This one seemed to be in a class all by itself! Imagine for a moment, with nothing but two blocks of ice and a bunch of power and hand tools, creating something like this - extraordinary!

After the Ice Fest ended, the next day, still very cold, these sculptures glistened in the bright of day instead of melting away.

Such beauty and wonder just from frozen water - imagine.