Except for close-up objects like the Mayflower II at dock, the fog has rendered this world mostly black and white.

Safe Harbor marina in downtown Plymouth is also blanketed with fog.

A foggy Plymouth Yacht Club dock.

A photoblog capturing moments of beauty or interest. Regular readers are around the world. I've published thousands of posts over the years. Most images are with a point-and-shoot pocket camera. Write to me at: joesretirementblog@gmail.com. Follow me on Instagram: joemanomet
I, like many, find sunflowers particularly enchanting. So, on the very first day that Tangerini's Farm opened their sunflower field to the public, I made my way there to visit and make some photos. The flowers were not quite as developed nor as plentiful as I wished but, it was still a rewarding outing.
There were very few humans during my visit on this brutally hot and humid summer day but, the honey bees were out in force.
They were neither bothered by nor particularly interested in my presence. At the end of the rows of sunflowers, the farm keeps dozens of hive boxes so these nearby flowers are a close destination if you are a bee.
I just love those translucent wings!
They seemed quite content to do what bees do.
An incoming bee about to land on the flower.
As I said earlier, this was the first day they opened the sunflower field to the public (though the U-Pick-Em Blueberry Field is still open) - I think I will try to come back when the flowers are more mature and more plentiful. But, since this is a U-Pick-Em field ($3 a stem), those people wanting to pick-em will soon deplete the supply.
There is a small entrance fee whether or not you pick any. I am not a picker but, I am happy to contribute and help support this farm. They also operate a retail store and cafe onsite.
Seems like almost any angle is a good one for the wondrous sunflowers.
It has been a long time coming but, on August 6th, the curtain will rise again welcoming the return of live theatre to our community. Priscilla Beach Theatre has been dark since October 2019 and this eight performance run of the "25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" will be their first since the Covid pandemic canceled the entire 2020 season.
It's a wonderful experience in an historic but modern venue - cushy chairs, great sightlines, top notch sound and lighting systems, and Broadway quality actors and musicians. They provide an experience you won't forget. I'm not just saying that - I know it's true - I have seen every show since 2014!
Get your tickets now!! Here's a link to their website: https://www.pbtheatre.org/
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee - August 6-14, eight performances.
The Marvelous Wonderettes - September 3-11, eight performances.
The Addams Family - October 1-9, eight performances.
Come out and support live performing arts in our community!
The ever-popular East Boston band, The Stompers, has been making music for 40+ years and recently played a full set for the appreciative crowd at Plymouth's Spire Center for Performing Arts.
A rock and roll experience inside a former church takes some getting used to for some patrons.
A view of the stage from the sound control board.
The balcony view. The Spire features top-notch light and sound equipment.
A happy crowd standing and cheering during the encore. Post-Covid, the Spire will resume a full performance schedule in August and throughout the rest of the year. Come out and support the live music experience in Plymouth.
The oversize American flag billowed gently above Water Street in downtown Plymouth at the waterfront.
In the waning daylight, folks trickled in by the thousands (just my wild estimate). After a few days of brutal heat followed by a few days of intermittent heavy rain, this mid-60's F evening was just perfect to be out and about. The portico above is the home of the famous Plymouth Rock, a symbolic marker that represents where the original Pilgrims from England came ashore in 1620.
The Legion Bud Band provided live music from the Pilgrim Memorial State Park bandstand throughout the evening.
Folks picked out a spot along the shoreline all through the downtown areas.
The barges from which the fireworks were launched were outside the breakwater, quite a safe distance away from the crowds.
Chairs and blankets were popular along this stretch near the Mayflower II replica.
A slightly different angle of view.
For the photographically inclined, I used a tripod and the "bulb" shutter speed setting.
It was a challenge to try to balance the bright exposure of the firework explosion with the darkness of the Mayflower and the crowd in the foreground without using a stack of multiple images in post-processing.
With only a gentle breeze, the dissipating fireworks held their shapes well.
It was a delightful summer evening to watch the fireworks in America's Hometown - Plymouth, Massachusetts. And I might add, I thought local law enforcement and public safety folks did a fine job of efficiently directing all the vehicles out of town after it was over.
Like big cities everywhere, Boston is loosely divided into designated neighborhoods. This post is from my wandering in or adjacent to the area known as "Downtown."
The tourists and tour guides out in force enjoying the history of Boston is always a good sign. The Old State House in the background was built in 1713 and the small balcony facing us is where the Declaration of Independence was first read to the Boston citizenry in 1776.
The Quincy Market food court is bustling once again. Many purveyors are open again and survived the pandemic.
The outside tables at Quincy Market were full of diners as I passed by mid-day.
A field of wildflowers adorns this section of the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
One of many vendors in the Haymarket area. This market has been ongoing for hundreds of years. I wish I could have shopped here - incredible bargains compared to my home supermarket but, it was too far to carry any purchases to my parked car elsewhere.
A shaded street in the adjacent North End neighborhood.
In the rose garden area of Columbus park.
Leaving Columbus Park and heading back.
Any city that builds public fountains that encourages and make it easy and safe for kids to play in the water gets my vote. This particular fountain squirts random streams and clouds of vapor to delight the young ones - especially on this mid-90's F day. I did notice the tightly-coiled look of the surrounding parents ready in an instant to swoop in should the need arise - it's been a while since I had that look - but I recognize it.