I try, I try, I try. Everyday, usually multiple times a day, I speak gently to him. I make embarrassing, "gobble, gobble, gobble," sounds, alternating with calm and soothing speech. All to no avail - he just won't let me get close and pose for a fine portrait. I have to take pictures from inside the house through the glass windows. I am always careful to avoid getting between him and his female friend when I am outside stalking him. He spends hours and hours in my yard, often within 10 feet of the house, pecking up the yard for food. He sleeps in the trees next to the house - rain or cold or wind or clear. There are no dogs or cats living here. He is as safe as a wild turkey can be living among humans. What does it take for him to not run away when I try to get close? Perhaps, if I were to acquire a turkey costume........hmmmmm?

Mostly, this is the view - him running away from me. Maybe he is getting ready to protect a flock of little ones? That will be a treat if it happens. I should have my costume ready by then............

He will fan his tail but, seldom will he outstretch his wings full span - that's what I want. A straight-on view with full tail and wings extended.
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