Blue Hills Reservation is a popular 6,000-acre state park about ten miles south of Boston and is managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. The reservation is one of the largest pieces of undeveloped conservation land within the metropolitan area. It is a great place to wander any time of the year but especially so in fall.

There is a paved service road to the top of Great Blue Hill (635' MSL) popular for walkers and bicyclists. Many hiking trails also weave through the forests. The above bicyclist was zooming downhill and I tried to pan as he went by to get a sharp subject with a blurry background to create visual speed. It ended up a blurry mess but, what I find interesting is that a few wheel spokes on each tire are sharply focused but nothing else is. The camera was moving, the bicycle was moving and the wheels were moving - each at different relative speeds.

Many leaves have fallen as the season changes.

Nice trails through the forest - many carpeted in pine needles. (Panorama using a arcing motion as I panned the camera to create the curved perspective).

A hazy day but, Boston still looks good on the distant horizon as viewed from the observation tower on Great Blue Hill.

Looking southeast from the observation tower on top of Great Blue Hill.

An aspiring oak tree.......fall is a great season to be out and about in southeast Massachusetts.