A storm cold front passed through the area in the darkness of early morning. Strong winds, horizontal rain, buffeting doors and rattling windows - a powerful display of mother nature. After it passed, I went out for a walk and the rain was still dripping from the trees, the air bright and clean, the entire world felt fresh and new.

Even these boats were hanging up to dry.

I love to stand at this spot in the early morning (early by retirement time - 9am or so), and stare across the Bay at low tide, the Pilgrim Monument visible 20 miles distant in Provincetown on the tip of Cape Cod. It is a glorious spot.

It wasn't very crowded today at low tide on the beach. Perfect for a brisk walk in the fresh breeze.

That is, it was perfect until the earth momentarily deformed in a radical way. It reminded me of the musical group, "Walk Off the Earth," who had a viral You Tube hit a few years ago called "Somebody That I Used to Know," wherein all five members of the band are playing one guitar simultaneously.
Life is good in Manomet!
Note: All images with Samsung Galaxy 5s smartphone.
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