It's that time of the year when hundreds of local folks gather on the Manomet Commons at the Simes House to welcome Santa Claus to light the Christmas tree. This event, (the fourth annual by my count), is testimony to support the vision of the Simes House Foundation that Manomet needs and will benefit from having a focal point, a central location from which to build local community. Judging by the hundreds who turned out tonight, this new tradition will be carried into the future by the latest generation of parents here with their young ones.

The odd blue glow in this and other images was caused by the police vehicle lights parked nearby to help direct local traffic.
The Simes House was built in 1863. The Simes House Foundation was created in 2010 to restore and maintain the Simes House and Manomet Commons as self-sustaining historical landmarks in the Village of Manomet. The Foundation expects the public to benefit through enhanced cultural focus and identity, as well as through education and encouraging community service.

Seasonal live music was provided by this guitar duo from the Middle Street School of Music in Plymouth.

Santa starts the countdown to lighting the tree.

The brightly lit tree served as a popular backdrop for family and group photos. The tree was donated by Egan Landscaping of Plymouth.

Jack Frost made an appearance but, it was so warm this year I'm surprised he didn't melt.

Jack doesn't quite have the stature of the man in the red suit but, he was still a good sport for photos.

The main event was definitely Santa. He received a long line of excited kids who waited patiently to share their wishes with him.

This little fellow was too young to understand the whole Santa hoopla but.........

....he did know how to point at the candy basket.

I think Santa got photobombed for this one.

Hundreds of folks turned out on this unseasonably warm late November evening for the event with Santa.
And I heard him exclaim as he rode out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night."
Santa's elf thanks you for your blog! I love it!
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