As you've stood or walked along a seawall anywhere in the world, have you ever thought about what effort it took to put that wall there? It wasn't easy, it wasn't quick, and it wasn't cheap. It took humans and machines a long time to place each stone individually and separately - think about that: each stone, individually and, separately.
First you need big boulders, heavy equipment, and a skilled operator.

Pick up each boulder - many are the size of a small car.......
Swing it around into place.......
Drop it carefully where it fits like a stone puzzle......
Nudge it into precise placement with your steel fingers.....
Then tamp it down - just so - with the knuckles of your closed fist. And then repeat ten bazillion times until the wall is complete.
And when it's all done, you end up with a stable bank on which to plant beautiful things or, just to sit a spell and ponder the beautiful blue sea........
When I was a kid, I wanted that Steam-Shovel job.