Bob and Sandy Malone, Owners and Guardians of Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT), are preparing to bring their sixth and final production of the 2022 performance season to the Barn Stage for an eight performance run from October 7 through October 15 - "Disenchanted!"
These first three images introduce you to the six-person cast of "Disenchanted!" I'll have more images and details after the final technical/dress rehearsals before opening night.

Above is the upcoming 2023 performance season schedule. Tickets go on sale for returning season ticket holders December 1st - 5th, 2022, and, for new season ticket holders or single show purchases, beginning December 5th. Contact PBT by phone or purchase online at their website - www.pbtheatre.org.

Exterior view of PBT.

Interior view during a previous performance.
Join me in supporting the performing arts in general wherever you live and, PBT specifically if you live in this area. Live theatre can't exist without our support and attendance.

Interior view during a previous performance.
Join me in supporting the performing arts in general wherever you live and, PBT specifically if you live in this area. Live theatre can't exist without our support and attendance.