A rolling cart vendor beside Fort Point Channel. Note the long shadows at midday.
I enjoy strolling by this spot under the Seaport Avenue bridge over Fort Point Channel - I usually find the lighting ethereal.

Rowe's Wharf looking eastward over the Boston Harbor toward the airport.

All the green is part of the Rose Kennedy Greenway. It was formerly an interstate multi-lane highway on the surface racing through downtown and making a horrible nuisance.

On this day, it hosted a food festival.
Lots of different cuisines and products and people.

It was a perfect end of summer day - clear skies, light wind, and a 72 degree F temperature.

I always get a kick out of the shrieking children frolicking in this fountain.

At the vent building, the latest mural looks like this. I enjoy the contrast and scale of the young soccer ball player against the mural and adjacent building.

Inbound car traffic was very slow so I decided spontaneously to take the subway from Quincy Adams instead. It was one of those trips I should have planned more thoughtfully. Sometimes, sections of the subway lines are closed on weekends for maintenance on a particular section. At those times, everyone must disembark at a particular station, (in this case inbound at JFK), ride a bus waiting outside, then re-board the subway (in this case inbound at Broadway) and continue onward. It was efficient and well-managed but, still tedious and not as easy as simply riding a single train into town. The same routine played outbound.
Regardless, it was a spectacular day to enjoy the world-class city of Boston!