If I look happy it's because I've just finished my snow removal chores after yesterday's storm.

I took a number of yardstick samples (do others around the world call it a "meterstick?") to see what the average depth was. 7 inches was the most consistent average depth (or 17.78 centimeters).

I thought I earned a nice rest on the bench after the work was done but first........

.....I wanted to confer with my Florida friend about conditions in his homeland. It's about 70 degrees F there today. Meanwhile, it's 25 degrees F here - a good temperature for light, fluffy snow and for moving it out of the way.
By the way, if these poses look odd, it might be because I used the in-camera 10-second timer on a tripod to include myself in the image and it was tight scrambling into position before the shutter clicked. Perhaps a 15- or 20-second timer would be better for us old folks. They could label it the "senior setting." You don't want to see the snow angels I made - it wasn't a good experience.
And yes, one might call these selfies but, I have always thought a selfie to require one to hold the device in hand while making the picture. Since I used a tripod some distance away, maybe this isn't a selfie. On the other hand, some of the major online dictionaries are not all clear on that point. Better file that in the "couldn't care less" category.
What's important is that the snow is stunningly beautiful! Nature's reward for having to endure the cold of winter.