Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Sunflowers, Tangerini's Farm, Millis, Massachusetts, USA

It is a special and magical moment to stand in a field of sunflowers. Many stalks taller than I am, waving gently in the breeze. And the bees - oh, the bees - thousands of honey bees and bumblebees busily doing their thing on the flower heads. Though we were within inches of each other, they didn't seem to mind my presence nor me theirs.  We each had a task to perform - they to gather or consume pollen, me to enjoy the moment and to take pictures.

I had made the reservation online to visit Tangerini's Farm on this stormy, rainy day on purpose. First, I have found the muted and diffused light suits me in trying to capture images of these beautiful flowers. And second, I assumed the weather would keep away the crowds. It worked out well on both counts. The only crowds were the bees and they were busy.

Many of the flowers had already been picked but, there were still quite a few standing.

Next year I'll try to get there before the visitors arrive with clippers in hand - $3 for the first flower.

Did I mention there were bees? ..........

The bumblebees seem to consume on site.

The honeybees loaded up both legs with pollen for a trip back to the nearby hive.

Bees weren't the only critters on the farm.

What a place, Tangerini's Farm. They have many other seasonal crops, a farm stand, retail store, ice cream window, and lots of parking. I am already looking forward to next summer.

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