A Favorite Post

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Out for a Walk, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Although each year, it seems the bluff experiences varying amounts of storm related erosion, there are still some grand old New England style homes that line the clifftop.

And inland, there is the quiet drama of gardens and flowers and paths winding through the woods to the sea.

There are no public access points from the bluff top to the beach but, in some cases, homeowners and/or community associations pool funds to build and maintain the wooden staircases that almost every winter suffer varying degrees of storm damage. Here's a call to donate to one such group.

And on this quiet lane, just a hint of the green fading to yellow. The four seasons in New England are never without their own respective beauty.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Sunset, Bartlett Pond, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The days may be shorter but the colorful beauty still abounds.

The hint of fall is visible in the far shoreline as the green has started to fade.

A glorious sky to herald the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Great Blue Heron, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Usually I see any heron when it circles down into this little pond. The wingspan is out of scale compared to the pond and the other flying creatures that inhabit this area. But not this time. I looked out the window and there he was in the distance, already looking for food.

The remnants of Hurricane Florence are passing through the area so downpours are expected.

Like this one. The rain is so loud and hard it sounds like little hammers on the roof.

He takes to wing to try fishing a different spot on the pond.......

...and lands on a branch as the downpour passes by.

... he gets his balance......

.... straightens out his feathers....

...and hops down into the water to resume the pose for fishing. Survival never takes a break for the creatures who live in the wild - hard rain or not.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Fall Arrives, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

In celebration of the arrival of fall, nature gave us a summer-like day.

A sun-dappled lane - still green.

Sun-soaked benches but no people to sit on them.

Another boat out of the water.

The streets are mostly quiet, too.

It is good to be alive and enjoy the simple wonders of life.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The End of Summer, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It approaches without notice or fanfare. And then suddenly, it is here and obvious - the end of summer is upon us. It starts with just one leaf turning red and falling.

It's still mostly green along the coast and.....

...... along the quiet lanes but, not for much longer.

Soon, this freshwater pond will be ringed with a kaleidoscope of color.

The crowds at the beach are already noticeably smaller - fewer strangers to throw the ball - over and over and over again.

Most boats have been removed from their summer moorings.

The shadows are noticeably longer, the shouts of children mostly missing, and the air has just a hint of chill to it. There are still a few die-hards in the water but not often nor for very long.

Flags are still flying from many summer homes but, soon, the owners will close up their houses, turn off the water, shutter the windows, and return to the distant places they call home - away from the winter storms and cold of New England. Another summer - just a beautiful memory.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Deer, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I glanced out the window and there he was: this young buck who seemed as surprised to see me as I was to see him. I see him roaming around often but usually not so close to the house.

He stared at me as I tried to gently move a camera to my eye. I imagine that he seemed to recognize me but, of course, I am likely projecting. Although his mom and siblings are not nearby right now, I do think he was born here the last year or two so this is his home turf.

He turned his head and smelled the breeze, assessed the danger, and.....

.... then he pretended I wasn't there and went back to eating grass. I liked that.

I so enjoy living in a place with enough woods remaining that I get to occasionally see deer, foxes, turkeys, hawks, herons, otters and countless other critters going about their lives.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Bistro at Mirbeau - France in the Pinehills, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

No, I am not in France but, this structure, the Mirbeau in the Pinehills, is clealy modeled upon and evokes that French feel. Must be the round turret look like this blog post I did a few years ago while actually in France.

We went here recently for our 29th wedding anniversary dinner at the Bistro. The Bistro creates and offers one of the best vegan "burgers" available anywhere! They have a wonderful outdoor patio that borders a lily pond and garden modeled on the artist Claude Monet's home in Giverny, France.

Like a child distracted by pigeons in a park, I was particularly interested in the visual of this bike stand, whether in full color.....

....or black and white, or........

......with a zoom burst effect.

In keeping with the French theme, this image reminds me of a delightful French movie (with English sub-titles and this version starring my bride) that came out a few years back titled, "Amélie."

Joyeux Anniversaire!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Beach Boats, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This sail shape always strikes me as foreign and exotic. Whether it is or not, I enjoy the quiet as it drifts on the breeze.

This one is quiet, too - but only until the owner clamps on the outboard motor and pushes it into the water.

A nice spot for a restful chat.

A sheltered bay to anchor for the day.

Toys for different generations.......

..... except this one can go out to sea and ride the wind and waves! Water temperature is about 72 degrees this time of year. That's warm for up here in New England. Life is good.

Friday, September 14, 2018

"Damn Yankees," Dress Rehearsals, Part 4 of 4, Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This is Part 4 of a four-part series that covers the two final dress rehearsals before opening night. This post covers the last part of the last dress rehearsal.

Part 1 is at this link.
Part 2 is at this link.
Part 3 is at this link.
Behind the Scenes is at this link.
PBT renovation 2014-15 at this link.
PBT 2017 Season at this link.

Produced by: Bob and Sandy Malone
Production Manager: Joshua Patino
Director: Jen Farrell
Music Director: Christopher Ricci
Stage Manager: Heather Radovich
Lighting Design/Engineer: Olivia LoVerde
Sound Design/Engineer: Clear Line Audio
Choreography: Jen Farrell
Assistant Stage Manager: Tara Brennan
Costumer: Brittany Meehan

The following images were captured live during a dress rehearsal and are in order of occurrence in the show. Many images are similar since an individual performer may look better in one image than the other and some performers will use these images to share with family, friends, and/or, to build their resumes. Cast members hail from many parts of the country and bring their extraordinary talents to this venerable theatre. They are a wonderful bunch of talented, trained, spirited, hard-working, aspiring young people and I am happy to be able to support them in this photographic way.

(Click on an image for a higher resolution version if your device supports that action).

Note: Many of these theatre images, when viewed on a small screen cellphone, may present over-saturated colors. More normal views can be achieved when viewing on a larger laptop or desktop screen.

It is extraordinary that we have such a wonderful and magical venue right here in Manomet - your support and attendance are important.

You can contact Priscilla Beach Theatre by phone at 508-224-4888 or online for tickets!  You'll be glad you did.

2018 PBT Barn Stage Productions - Adult cast series

"The Last Five Years" in May,
"The Drowsy Chaperone" in June,
"Guys and Dolls" in July,
"Bye, Bye, Birdie" in August,
"Damn Yankees" in September, 
"Dames at Sea" in October.

2019 PBT Barn Stage Productions - Adult cast series

"Life Could Be A Dream" in May,
"Heathers the Musical" in June,
"Hairspray" in July,
"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" in August, 
"[Title of Show]" in September,
"Young Frankenstein" in October.

Tickets for the 2019 Season go on sale in December 2018.