A Favorite Post

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Great Blue Heron, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Usually I see any heron when it circles down into this little pond. The wingspan is out of scale compared to the pond and the other flying creatures that inhabit this area. But not this time. I looked out the window and there he was in the distance, already looking for food.

The remnants of Hurricane Florence are passing through the area so downpours are expected.

Like this one. The rain is so loud and hard it sounds like little hammers on the roof.

He takes to wing to try fishing a different spot on the pond.......

...and lands on a branch as the downpour passes by.

... he gets his balance......

.... straightens out his feathers....

...and hops down into the water to resume the pose for fishing. Survival never takes a break for the creatures who live in the wild - hard rain or not.

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