A Favorite Post

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The End of Summer, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It approaches without notice or fanfare. And then suddenly, it is here and obvious - the end of summer is upon us. It starts with just one leaf turning red and falling.

It's still mostly green along the coast and.....

...... along the quiet lanes but, not for much longer.

Soon, this freshwater pond will be ringed with a kaleidoscope of color.

The crowds at the beach are already noticeably smaller - fewer strangers to throw the ball - over and over and over again.

Most boats have been removed from their summer moorings.

The shadows are noticeably longer, the shouts of children mostly missing, and the air has just a hint of chill to it. There are still a few die-hards in the water but not often nor for very long.

Flags are still flying from many summer homes but, soon, the owners will close up their houses, turn off the water, shutter the windows, and return to the distant places they call home - away from the winter storms and cold of New England. Another summer - just a beautiful memory.

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