A Favorite Post

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Deer, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I glanced out the window and there he was: this young buck who seemed as surprised to see me as I was to see him. I see him roaming around often but usually not so close to the house.

He stared at me as I tried to gently move a camera to my eye. I imagine that he seemed to recognize me but, of course, I am likely projecting. Although his mom and siblings are not nearby right now, I do think he was born here the last year or two so this is his home turf.

He turned his head and smelled the breeze, assessed the danger, and.....

.... then he pretended I wasn't there and went back to eating grass. I liked that.

I so enjoy living in a place with enough woods remaining that I get to occasionally see deer, foxes, turkeys, hawks, herons, otters and countless other critters going about their lives.

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