A Favorite Post

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Shadowman Plays With Prisma, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Shadowman came out to play recently with a free smartphone photo app called "Prisma." It offers a number of different filter treatments to an image. My original image was in landscape format (see below) but the app automatically crops to a square format.

It is fascinating how the software interprets the primary image and creates these various views. There are approximately 40 pre-programmed effects from which to choose.

I am especially fond of this black and white pen-and-ink drawing effect. It is truly astounding what today's developers can create! It is an amazing technological world in which we live.

Here's the beginning image.

1 comment:

  1. A marvel to behold….mesmerizing illusion ‘tis all. There is nothing real except the rock itself.

    So don’t be filled with too much wonder or astonishment. Think of technology, (knowledge)as ‘everything old is new again.’

    S in Southern C :)
