A Favorite Post

Friday, December 2, 2016

Shadowman Walks on a Sunny Day, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I ran into Shadowman on this walk and he stayed with me for a while - as long as I have the sun to my back he seems content to tag along.

When I walk, I usually wave to any passing vehicle traffic. Mostly, it's because I want to live in the kind of place where people wave "hello" to each other. To see the change, I must first be the change. Folks I pass after waving likely think one of two things: "my, isn't that a friendly and neighborly thing to do," or, "that strange old man in the hat walking in the road must be the local crazy." I suspect both camps of opinion have their believers - and each - a part of the truth.

Long shadows and low sun even though it's early afternoon.

A back-lit maple leaf didn't get the memo that all leaves are supposed to be down by now.

A stately old home graces the bluff on this fine fall day.

And down at the beach, most unusually, big surf pounds the shoreline with booming waves. View to the south.

Nestled in the western portion of Cape Cod Bay, big waves don't often come to visit. View to the north.

The little hexagon house sits atop a small hill in the bright sun.

One of many lighthouses in Manomet.

Rabbit Pond, a five-acre conservation area, is visible through the treeline now that most leaves have fallen.

And my favorite tree stands ready for the coming winter in this trick panorama image. Instead of a smooth, horizontal panning motion, I used an arcing motion that curves the horizon line like a wide angle/fisheye lens.

Life is good in Manomet even as the days grow shorter, the temperature ranges lower, and winter is just a few weeks away.

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