A Favorite Post

Monday, December 5, 2016

A Gray Day Beach Walk, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

As I walked along the road on this chilly gray day, an old Jesse Colin Young tune, (those of us "of a certain age" may remember him), popped into my head......."it's a gray day and the pine trees are drippin' in the gray mist." It had that feel even though these aren't pine trees.

Although most tree leaves have fallen, a few small bushes are still holding onto the last gasp of fall color.

A dramatic sky, light wind, and a deserted beach allowed me to mentally solve all the world's problems as I walked to the rhythm of the gentle surf. This view looking south.

This view looking north.

Kayaks stored well above the high tide line are likely safe from winter storm tides. Last year, these wood steps even survived the winter storms.

Otherwise, holiday signs and symbols begin to appear. Life is good in Manomet.

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