A Favorite Post

Monday, August 22, 2016

Cast Party, Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT) Summer 2016 Children's Workshop Series has ended with the final performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." (A post from the final dress rehearsal will be out soon when I finish editing). To celebrate another successful performance season, PBT owners and guardians Bob and Sandy Malone held a cookout for the cast, crew, and family members. (Click on an image for higher resolution view if your device supports that action).

2016 Cast Party Photo. I tried to spice it up a bit this year with some hand gestures but, it was hot outside, I was taking too long, and getting all these folks aligned was like herding cats - nice cats though!  Hmm? Cats.........wasn't there a show by that name?...............

And for a trip down memory lane..........

2015 Cast Party Photo

2014 Cast Party Photo

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