A Favorite Post

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Springtime Walk, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I like to walk in places of beauty and splendor. Manomet is one of those special places that yields such an environment - like these flowers and classic adirondack chairs......

....or this unusual guardian of a beach path......

...... or a tree that looks and feels like it's in South Carolina.....

.........or a well-tended and sculpted garden, developed over a lifetime of loving care......

....or a simple house with clean lines, white trim, and cedar shingles.....

...or a small house with stately old oaks.....

....or a dramatic ocean view.....I never mind interrupting a good walk  to stand on a bluff at the edge of the sea, the waves lapping below, a fresh breeze in my face and just enjoy the sheer wonder of it all..... 

.....or walking on quiet single lane paths.....

....or stopping by a small kettle pond....the silence punctuated by the cries of two green herons cavorting......

....and always, flowers exploding in colorful growth.....

.....yep, Manomet is always good for walking....

......and walking some more.

This wonderful walk seemed normal.....but had an unexpected ending:

As I passed by a house, a young man and young woman were working in the yard.  I waved "hello" to them. The man waved back.  I walked on.  But then I faintly heard the woman say to him, "Who was that?"  And his response just killed me, he said, "I don't know, just some old guy walking by."  Ouch!! I have been reduced to JUST SOME OLD GUY!

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