A Favorite Post

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Signs of Springtime, Bartlett Pond, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Spring is clearly here when the last of the magnolia petals have fallen.  I missed the full carpet of petals this year - can't let that happen again - never know how many springs I have left - certainly fewer than have passed. And yes, I carved the compass directions in the deck railing 15 years ago with my trusty Swiss Army pocket knife - one of many small pocket knives I have surrendered to security at Boston Logan Airport because I forgot to leave it at home before going to the airport.

A new swan family is born. Four cygnets this year.  It is always a treat to watch them grow up - learn to find food, to fly, and then to fly away. I doubt all four will live to adulthood using past years as a comparison but we'll see.

This one likes to stay close.

The squirrels are chasing each other about more than usual, perhaps they are the youngsters born this season. Squirrels are amazingly sure footed creatures. They race along tree branches, up, down, sideways, pause and sit on their haunches, and nonchalantly leap across the empty space between trees, certain they will be able to catch and land on another branch. What skill, will, and fearlessness.

And sometimes they're even cute.

Tinman the scarecrow had a bad winter guarding the garden - his arm rusted through and fell off.

A potful of flowers makes a nice starter garden.

Kayaks on the pond are definitely signs of spring.

Springtime - when all dreams seem possible.

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