A Favorite Post

Monday, April 14, 2014

Wandering the Town, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Lucca is an extraordinary sensual assault - sight, sound, taste, smell, feel.  And as pictured above, some stereotypes are often true - Italians do like to use their hands to accompany their conversation.  

A visual definition of  l'amore.

An exterior corner on one of the many churches in Lucca.

The late afternoon sun warms the promenade on top of the wall surrounding Lucca. A strong Italian tradition is the "passeggiata," the evening stroll on the wall. Some of the strollers are on bicycle.

I would guess this man has walked this wall for many of his years.

One of the wonders of travel is to see the varied ways that different people and different cultures do things differently.  Lucca is a generally quiet town at night - they do have musical performances of their native son Puccini's famous works but otherwise, no loud nightclubs; just hundreds or maybe thousands of folks out walking around, enjoying each other, stopping for an espresso or gelato or pastry (or all three) - demonstrating their expertise at "la dolce vita" - the sweet life. I think I'm going to like this town.


  1. I'm thinking of going to Lucca next year for a few weeks to Italian language school. Thanks for your post. It helped me see a glimpse of what life in Lucca is like.

    1. Glad to hear that! Thanks. If you click on Lucca in the index, there are 39 separate blogs from Lucca. It is a wonderful city from my perspective.
