A Favorite Post

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Nottolini Aqueduct, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Imagine this dramatic structure in your backyard. A short walk past the train station south of town is this former water supply aqueduct for the city of Lucca. And no, it was not built in Roman times. Construction was during the mid-1800's.  It is no longer in use but has been preserved as a park.

Old and new - the radio towers on the distant mountain are a reminder that this is the modern age. That ridge of mountain separates the Lucca area from Pisa and is bisected by a beautiful narrow road.

Along the aqueduct walking path looking back toward Lucca , it seems no matter where you are there is always at least one tower visible against the skyline.

And speaking of backyards, this friendly local is a retiree whose property abuts the park. He enjoys growing much of his food by working in his beautiful garden. Wish I could be here to see the bounty this summer. Somehow, I managed to cobble together a conversation of sorts with him - bits of Italian, Spanish, English, and hand signals.  Although truth be told, I think I misunderstood more than I understood.  He, like almost all the locals I have met, was extraordinarily friendly and outgoing - I hope I can be so welcoming when tourists approach me in the United States.


  1. Researching my trip to Florence and Lucca and I came across this post, I really want to see the aqueduct now, I hope we can cycle out to it. Love the pictures!

    Cool blog!

    (PS: sorry to hear about Milo, what a beautiful cat)

  2. I fell into your blog when I was looking for information on the acqueduct in Lucca. I was there in January, so it didn't look quite as pretty as when you saw it!
