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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Lucca is a walled town of 7,500 residents in the Tuscany region of Italy, centrally located near Pisa, Florence, and the Cinque Terre. It's roots go back to Roman times, founded by the Etruscans more than 2000 years ago.  Nowadays, the promenade on the top of the wall surrounding the town has become a popular 2.5 mile circumference walking and bicycling path.

I'll be using Lucca as a base for the next few weeks as I visit the area.

It is a long way from home - 7.5 hour overnight flight from Boston, Massachusetts, to Munich, Germany, change planes, then 1.5 hour flight to Pisa, Italy, then a half hour bus ride to Lucca.  Being foreign language challenged, maybe the extra time in transit will help me learn more Italian than "yes, no, please, thank-you, hello, goodbye, help, and where is the bathroom"...........


  1. Joe…I spent a decade traveling the world on business and learned that everywhere I went as long as I used what I called the Ten Essential Phrases, the locals would work with me on the language. To your eight I'd add "good day" and "good night." In one of my favorite tavernas in Milan, the staff spoke no English and my Italian was limited. But through gestures, pointing and visiting the kitchen we always worked it all out -- with a ton of good cheer all around!

    1. Well said, Paul, thanks for your comment!
