A Favorite Post

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wandering About, Puerto Aventuras, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

A resident iguana was lounging on a rock beside the sidewalk and not too concerned with my presence.  He isn't tame but, he definitely seemed accustomed to having humans nearby.

Even when it's cloudy here, it is still a pretty place to be.

This panorama is of Puerto Aventuras' Fatima Bay and at the right edge, the north harbor entrance channel. I was just experimenting with features of Photoshop Elements for this image - call it art, maybe bad art but art, nonetheless. (Click to view in full width).

Morning rush hour in the north harbor channel as the daily fishing excursion boats head out with eager tourists on board. 

This fossil is in one of the jetty rocks I clambered over to get the panorama view shown above. For scale, the fossil is about two feet wide and a foot or so high. There were many others.

Once again on this trip, we had to visit a local medical practitioner   Amy had come down with a throat infection/cough like she sometimes gets at home . So we went across the highway to the "poblado" (Spanish word for small town or village).  It's where the regular folks go- not a fancied-up place for tourists. We walked in, sat down, and waited maybe 10 minutes - stray dogs wandered in, stray dogs wandered out, the waiting room door (on the left above) was open and there was no screen (See Amy's blog at this link for some great photos of the dogs).  The total visit was 100 pesos - the  medication, pain reliever, and consult were 45 pesos, 25 pesos, and 30 pesos respectively. At the current exchange rate that's about, $3.50, $2.00, and $2.50 respectively.  Less than $8.00 TOTAL.  When was the last time you got medical service for less than $2.50 for the office visit? Never? We paid cash and left. This is the second time we've received good quality, on-demand, and affordable medical care in Mexico on this trip. Try doing that at home in the U.S.

Part of the doctor's order were rest and relaxation - this, or equivalent substitution, should do just fine.

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