A Favorite Post

Friday, February 1, 2013

Around Town, Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico

One of the best things about travel is how, compared to home, it can be so completely different yet completely the same - parking lots, stop signs, hotels.

A brightly painted shop selling white cottony clothes for men and women.

The maitre d' at a Mayan restaurant where we had lunch gazes out over the podium.  They served Mayan based food with a Mexican influence. (Yaxche is pronounced: "jag-shey")

This was a sampler plate that included: masa, boiled egg, pumpkin seed sauce, chaya, epazote, beans, avocado, chilmole, cabbage, tomato sauce, onions, lettuce, mushrooms, goat cheese, tortillas, paprika and other unknown herbs and spices. All delicious.


Or, you can simply have a refreshing coconut with a straw from the machete-wielding man on the street who opens them to order.

And always, the people stroll the avenida, looking for food, fun, bargains, souvenirs, or, to see and be seen......

I like this clever hotel/lounge entrance. Modeled on the many Mayan archaeological sites, this tiered stone stairway captures the spirit of this area. (Of course, in the U.S. you couldn't have this because it has no safety rails or hand rails or treads, or lights, or bells, or warnings, or guards, or.................)

This is the pedestrian road access down to the ferry dock for trips to Cozumel Island. Last chance to be verbally harangued by the shop keepers hawking their wares before getting on the boat.

 Meanwhile on the rooftops, peace and serenity reigns.(Click on this panorama to see the full width image).

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