A Favorite Post

Monday, June 4, 2012

Old Man Hat

Some of you may recall a blog I wrote a few months ago about my hat search.  Here is the final selection.  I wear it almost every day now - multiple skin cancers have gotten my attention - finally.  I was hoping for the Indiana Jones look but I got the Old Man look instead - I'm definitely not Harrison Ford.

I remember as a child my uncle wore an old man's hat.  I used to think, boy he sure looks old in that hat.  Now he is me. When I'm on the beach, only the old folks and lifeguards regularly wear hats with a brim all the way around - I'm definitely not a lifeguard.

It is an old man's hat - such a visible mark, a screaming advertisement that I am at a certain point on the time continuum of a human life. I am one of the worldwide brigade of  retired men walking around exercising instead of going off to work at a job somewhere - it's a luxury I am happy to enjoy right now. Now if I decide to take up golf, I could wear silly pants and a hat..............hmmmmmm?


  1. LOL...well, it looks just like the hat Daddy wore and you look like him in it! How funny!

    cousin bobbi

  2. Proves my point - he was not a young man at that point in life either! But I'm not holding a small glass bottle of coca-cola........it's funny the things I remember.
