A Favorite Post

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Beach Walk, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Morning fog dissipates at Priscilla Beach and White Horse Beach.

The American ritual of tossing a football at the beach.

Sometimes, I enjoy walking a defined course on the beach.  At low tide, my preferred exposed sandbar with firm sand for walking is 0.3 miles long. If I do 6 laps back and forth, 12 legs total, I walk 3.6 miles plus 0.5 to get there from home and 0.5 to get back home - a total of 4.6 miles (or 7.4 kilometers).  What I don't know is whether doing this is evidence of an obsessive compulsive disorder or just someone who delights in the minutia of an ordered life.  I'll go with the delight in the minutia.  I didn't spend thirty years in air traffic control without having some ability to process minutia.

During the walk, I passed a buffed 25-year old man doing rapid repetition push-ups on the sand. I  nodded knowingly to another man nearby on the beach and said, "don't you wish you could still do that?"  He said with a laugh, "I wish I could still want to."  That about says it all.


  1. Pushups are bad for one's back, no matter the age. Better to use a weight machine. My $0.02.

  2. I think it had been washed out to sea on the tide........
