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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lupine Festival, Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, USA

Annually, in June, in valleys  nestled between the White and Green Mountains, the fields of Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, are alive with lupine flowers. Dramatically set against a background of brilliant greens and the surrounding mountains, folks come from far and wide to enjoy one of nature's beautiful shows.  Sugar Hill is a small town - for example, for the year of 2011, there were three births, two deaths, and one marriage among the 500 or so folks. I expect everybody knows everybody else in this town.

Although it was a cloudy, cool, damp, rainy day, we drove the two hours north of Boston to see nature's show.

It seemed as if this white horse was either: 1) under contract to graze in the field as a backdrop to the lupine colors, or 2) it was a fake horse and two people would suddenly pop out from inside the horse suit and walk away muttering in British accents. I would not normally think of a fake horse but, I was reminded of an old Monty Python sketch with the line, "your lupines or your life," and my imagination got away from me.
On this early June day, mostly just the purples were in bloom with a scattering of whites and pinks.

The lupines were not the only source of bright colors in the fields.

Photographers were swarming the lupine fields like ants at a barbecue.

Some even kneeling in the muddy lanes to get "the shot." Well, actually only one of them did that.........and some of you can guess who.

After the chill of the day, a warm blazing fire was most welcome. A nice place to spend time even in the damp weather.

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