A Favorite Post

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Crosby Stills Nash, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Forty plus years ago in a rain-drenched and muddy field in Woodstock, New York, David Crosby, Stephen Stills, and Graham Nash, with their unusual vocal harmonies, gave voice to the political and social unrest and anti-war sentiment of a generation. Today, they performed in the stately and ornate Wang Center in Boston's theatre district before a packed crowd of aging baby boomers, many of whom sang along to each song, the words firmly ingrained in their hearts and souls after a lifetime of listening. It's way cool to see adults in their 60's acting like adoring groupies to musicians near or in their 70's. Count me as one of them, I bought a ticket in the third row for this show.

The exterior street view of the theatre may be unassuming but the inside is not. It is definitely not Yasgur's farm.

Cherubs watch from high on the proscenium arch.

The spectacular concert hall.

David Crosby

Stephen Stills

Graham Nash

To close the show, they performed their signature song, "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes," as the audience sang along.

In exchange for the pleasure, warmth, and joy the trio exhibited at being able to perform their music before an adoring crowd, we bestowed a standing ovation on them and their able back-up band. It was a pretty perfect evening.
Ah, youth, where have you gone, and how did you leave me so soon?


  1. And where was Neil Young? Guess he wouldn't have fit into the milieu.

  2. Good word - but always difficult to work into everyday conversation - Neil always seemed odd man out to me - maybe they didn't want his nasal whine. Although, Stills' voice hasn't held up that well either.
