A Favorite Post

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Vegan Invisible Burrito

In my occasional posts about what does a vegan eat, here is another example. Yes, technically it's not a burrito (translation "little donkey") since it not wrapped in a tortilla but, I could just as easily have wrapped all this up in a tortilla - I just didn't for this particular meal.

Simply stated, vegan food has neither animal parts nor animal products included. More specifically, no meat, seafood, nor dairy - that means no beef, pork, chicken, fish, ostrich, yak, lobster, clams, etc., no milk, cheese, butter, lard, etc. A good rule of thumb (although not all-inclusive) is "nothing with eyes or a mother."

Start with steamed brown rice, add cooked or canned (rinse and drain) black beans, green peas, diced yellow squash, diced zucchini, diced onion, diced red pepper, ( I like dicing stuff...) non-dairy cheese, salsa, spring mix lettuce, and a perfectly ripe avocado. Serve hot or cold. Instead of using salsa, one could use tomato sauce and pour it all over pasta or use salad dressing and call it a salad instead. The squash, zucchini, onions, and peppers were not cooked but could be. If there had been corn, or tomatoes, or broccoli in the fridge, I might have included them, too. The more colors the better seems to be a good rule for me.


  1. Replies
    1. It was - but truth be told, I had a few too many raw onions in this round.

  2. Tastier still with the burrito I reckon. Just enjoyed a delicious whole avocado and bok choi and mizuna salad (out of the garden) with dressing of walnut and olive oil and truffle flavoured vinegar. And mayo which wasn't egg free but I quite like soya mayo, which is easy to make... I had a good appetite from gardening, cutting grass and planting out pumpkin plants whose mother was a delicious blue-skinned beauty we ate earlier this year. I love veggies! Sadly I love seafood and eggs and cheese, and indeed chicken and other meat, but try all the time to cut back - veganism really makes the most sense, I know.

    Came here from Catalyst's, because your photo in his sidebar feed looked so good...
