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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Laps at Low Tide, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I've mentioned before on an earlier blog about how much I enjoy beach walking at low tide. Beach sand is soft yet supple, firm yet yielding - just like a ........ but I digress.

 I find the hardest thing about doing laps at low tide is keeping track of how many I have completed. My mind wanders, perhaps has a senior moment, and suddenly I'm not sure if I just completed lap 3 or 4 or 5 or 6.  To solve this problem, I utilize the oldest tablet PC known to humankind - hash marks in the sand - it's always correct, needs no batteries, does not require paying an internet service provider, and it erases with the incoming tide. Of course, I must remember after each lap to make my mark in the sand - but that's a different problem........maybe I should carry a baseball umpire's balls/strikes/outs counter?.....on the other hand, in the final analysis, it doesn't really matter one bit if the count is off, I'm retired and no one's grading on accuracy.

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