A Favorite Post

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Parade, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Few things look as fine as a marching band all dressed up in their sharp uniforms. But then, why would they want to go and put cotton candy in their hats? It just seems counter-productive and opens them up to needless ridicule.

And speaking of cotton candy, is this man trying to decide which bunch is smaller, or larger, or how to stick it in his hat so it stays put? Maybe he's not really in a marching band.

But today's prize goes to this hapless driver. Why does he/she think that the parade is going to stop to let him/her drive through the closed street? Couldn't he/she have discerned six blocks earlier that the road was closed based on the road closed signs and barricades?

And who would drive a 50-foot long car to a parade? It wasn't in the parade, it just came to the parade. Maybe that's how they transported the ever-valuable fried dough ingredients.  And speaking of fried dough........

What gathering would be complete without the ubiquitous presence of America's gift to international gastronomy - fried dough. It's the perfect food if you need to increase your saturated fat intake - or, perhaps your arterial blood flow is too much and you feel the need to restrict it.

And what is Santa doing in this parade? I thought they had some agreement not to horn in on each other's holiday?  Thanksgiving has November and Christmas has December?  I guess not.

Good license plate advice from a parade-goer - I should have read it earlier before making these snarky comments.........

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