A Favorite Post

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving Preparations, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

America's Hometown gets ready for the annual celebration/parade/food fest. The stone columns of the Plymouth Rock memorial are visible at center left in the photo above as workers prepare the hillside and stage area on Water Street for the celebration. 

Thanksgiving in the New World was a time to give thanks to God for safe passage across the ocean.  Perhaps more importantly, it should have been to give thanks to the Native American leader Massasoit, who is believed to have ensured the Pilgrims initial survival in the new World due to his peaceful and helpful ways.

Luckily no rain in the forecast but, it is cold and windy in town and on the beaches, where mostly just gulls and the wind are out today to enjoy the bright sunshine.

A crisp, windy, clear New England day.

But alas, while turkeys hanging out beside or in the roadways are not an unusual sight, a turkey walking in the road at Thanksgiving is definitely not a good idea - and yes, I swerved.

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