A Favorite Post

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Signs of Fall, Bartlett Pond, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I haven't seen which birds eat these berries. Perhaps it is not cold enough yet and no one is desperate enough yet to eat them.  Perhaps they are the "broccoli" of the bird diet - they only eat them if they have to.

Hard to believe this pond will be solid ice in a couple months - sorry I won't be here to see it - okay, I'm not really sorry.......

Our resident mute swan family. On the right, the cygnet is the last surviving member of this year's brood. The others fell prey to unknown forces. Adult mute swans have no natural predators but, until they are adults the cygnets may be scarfed up by snapping turtles, perhaps nest-raiding foxes or coyotes, disease, or hypothermia. Highly territorial and aggressive, the parent pair will chase junior off to live on his own at some point - must be a lesson there.

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