A Favorite Post

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Snowy Owl on Thanksgiving, Duxbury Beach, Massachusetts, USA

The snowy owls seen this year on Duxbury Beach continue to attract birders and photographers. Although it was a chilly day, the skies were clear and the wind had died.  Again, the owl did not disappoint but was visible to those with patience and a long lens.  (For my recent post on the owls, see the November 17th  entry at this link.)

Two of the more avid viewers saw fit to wade in the frigid salt water marsh. Winter parkas and bare feet at the end of November........who'd have thought.

And as the light fades, the happy photographers trudge back through the marsh, thankful for a beautiful sighting.

One of the disadvantages of using a point-and-shoot camera is that you can't always get close enough to distant subjects. You can see the snowy owl here at this link  captured by a real photographer on this Thanksgiving Day outing (photo credit: Ian Davies).

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