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Monday, March 22, 2021

Out and About - Random Scenes, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Soon, the boats will be back in Plymouth Harbor and so, too, the tourists as we start to move beyond the pandemic life.

I can't go to France but, this French-styled spa/hotel/restaurant is evocative.

Soon the streams of visitors to Cape Cod will cross the canal on this bridge. Anywhere from 50,000 -100,000+ vehicles cross this bridge daily depending on the day and the season.  Only two bridges, both built in the early 1930's, cross the canal to allow vehicle access to Cape Cod. Good luck trying to get there on a Friday afternoon in the summer - you'll likely be sitting in backed-up traffic.

And soon, t-shirts will replace winter coats at White Horse Beach (above at low tide).

The hockey net is lying beside the last bit of slushy pond ice - it'll have to wait until next winter to be used again.

The late afternoon light hints at the coming spring.


  1. It reminds me of the Bee Gees song "Massachusetts".

    1. Thanks for your comment. I loved the Bee Gees back in the day........Joe
