A Favorite Post

Friday, March 19, 2021

Along the Bluff, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I haven't been to the bluff much lately. The path I take to get there is sometimes slippery and snow/ice covered and I don't want to slip and fall while wearing my old man body. The gentle wave patterns were especially visually captivating today.

My favorite tree ended up in this black and white rendering. Cape Cod Bay is just offscreen left. I love the timeless simplicity of this scene. It could be nearly anywhere.

Same view in winter color.

Yes, the house at upper right is close to the unstable edge of the bluff. The property was listed for sale last year for a time. I don't know if it attracted any buyers.

It was too cold and windy for seeing anyone today just sitting and gazing but, in a few months I'm sure the owner of this property will be there relaxing.

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