A Favorite Post

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Mass Audubon, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Tidmarsh Wildlife Santuary, a 450-acre Mass Audubon preserve in Manomet, has reopened the public access lot on Beaver Dam Road and some of the restoration work is visible which was conducted during the past months of closure. The above area was formerly a large holding pond for water used for the cranberry bogs that preceded the status as an Audubon Sanctuary.

The dam was removed and now, a creek bed meanders through the area connecting, once again, the entirety of Beaver Dam Brook from its inland headwaters to the ocean.

The above newly built footbridge crosses the creekbed replacing the former earthen dam.

A different angle of view of the new footbridge with humans for size perspective. The dead trees and root balls were moved here to mimic what might have been the original habitat. The rotting wood will help nourish and stabilize the earth around the stream.

On the trail to the overlook (the overlook platform is at the far left). The platform is about a one mile round trip walk from the parking lot. It's a delightful, peaceful walk through different habitats and terrain types including a section of mild cardio up to the platform.

This forest trail leads down the other side from the overlook platform.

It's such a treat to have this natural wonderland right here in little Manomet.

My blog post of the Tidmarsh opening dedication ceremony held in October 2017 is at this link.

Many of my previous posts about Tidmarsh are at this link.

Monday, March 29, 2021

It Was Still Winter, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Even though a gale was blowing today, temperature was in the low 40's, I ventured out on foot anyway.  I did notice just the faintest suggestion of spring green visible in the grass.

The tide was near high and the wind was dancing on the water surface. The world here is definitely hinting at springtime.

Upon my return from the beach, I sat down to rest up and warm up. To my amazement, in a rare act, my local resident red-shouldered hawk swooped in and landed on a branch maybe ten feet above the bird feeders. Maybe he was looking for lunch - a squirrel or chipmunk or another bird but, in any case, I think his angle of view was such that he could not see me through the double-paned glass glare and reflection so I was able to capture this image with my trusty point and shoot camera.  What a treat! He has been very active this past week - flying around frequently and calling a lot - trying to attract a spring mate no doubt.

In classic New England weather behavior - soon after the hawk scene above, snow started falling driven by the 50-knot gusts of wind associated with a frontal passage. The wind blew all night and the temperature dropped to 10 degrees F by dawn. After all, it was still winter on the calendar...........

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Hints of Spring, Manomet, Massachusetts, USA

The young folk in short sleeves and shorts walking down the stairs is a sure sign of spring.

The winter was kind to the beach this year - lots of sand remains in the places it's supposed to be for humans to enjoy the most.

I like the stark simplicity of this view.  The upper arm of the Cape Cod land mass is about twenty miles distant on the far horizon. It is a stunningly beautiful area, southeastern Massachusetts including Cape Cod. The water temperature has risen to 40 degrees F, too. It will approach 70 degrees F in summer.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Out and About, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

It was still winter cold on this particular day but, one can dress for it. I really enjoyed the bright sun and shadows along the Commonwealth Avenue mall on this walk......

...and captured a couple different views and processing treatments. I wonder why only one dog got to wear a coat? Different families, perhaps? And when did we begin dressing dogs anyway? It's not like they asked for a coat, they wear one all the time.

A gritty black and white rendering.

Strollers in the alley. Less hubbub than walking the sidewalks on the main streets.

The Church of the Covenant on Newbury Street built in the 1860's.

Subway stations are often drab places but.........

....the Park Street station hosts this fine mural commemorating the first subway in the United States - the Boston system.

The golden dome of the Massachusetts State House contrasts brightly against the clear blue sky. In just a few weeks, these trees will be budding out.

The Common Cathedral holds religious services for both the homeless and other passersby in the Boston Common on a Sunday morning/afternoon.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Out and About - Random Scenes, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Soon, the boats will be back in Plymouth Harbor and so, too, the tourists as we start to move beyond the pandemic life.

I can't go to France but, this French-styled spa/hotel/restaurant is evocative.

Soon the streams of visitors to Cape Cod will cross the canal on this bridge. Anywhere from 50,000 -100,000+ vehicles cross this bridge daily depending on the day and the season.  Only two bridges, both built in the early 1930's, cross the canal to allow vehicle access to Cape Cod. Good luck trying to get there on a Friday afternoon in the summer - you'll likely be sitting in backed-up traffic.

And soon, t-shirts will replace winter coats at White Horse Beach (above at low tide).

The hockey net is lying beside the last bit of slushy pond ice - it'll have to wait until next winter to be used again.

The late afternoon light hints at the coming spring.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Along the Bluff, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I haven't been to the bluff much lately. The path I take to get there is sometimes slippery and snow/ice covered and I don't want to slip and fall while wearing my old man body. The gentle wave patterns were especially visually captivating today.

My favorite tree ended up in this black and white rendering. Cape Cod Bay is just offscreen left. I love the timeless simplicity of this scene. It could be nearly anywhere.

Same view in winter color.

Yes, the house at upper right is close to the unstable edge of the bluff. The property was listed for sale last year for a time. I don't know if it attracted any buyers.

It was too cold and windy for seeing anyone today just sitting and gazing but, in a few months I'm sure the owner of this property will be there relaxing.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

A Winter Storm, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Although this is a color image, it's mostly a black and white world when the snow is freshly fallen. The brown dirt road is the giveaway.

Only a few inches fell but still quite beautiful.

We have an infrastructure prepared for snowstorms so most roads are plowed both during the storms and immediately afterwards. Most everything is fully open as soon as the last flake falls.

The critters looking for food have it the hardest with the ground covered but, ......

..... this cardinal knows where my feeder is located and is on his way there.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Wind Chill Zero, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It's difficult to capture the sense of cold in a still photograph. Take my word for it - with wind chill it was zero degrees F. Water temp in the upper 30's.

The lack of humans is a good indicator. Only me and the lone dog-walker above were out and about.

Wind and waves and tide viewed from Manomet Point. Yep, I'm ready for spring.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

A Black and White View - Part 3 of 3, Boston Common, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

A couple strolls along one of the many paths on the Boston Common, the oldest city park in the United States (1634). 

Like any great city parkland, folks are always out and about, regardless the weather.

Mid-October the same spot looked like this.

And with some further manipulation.

I expect working at the hot food cart is a better choice than the t-shirt/sweatshirt vendor cart.

"The redcoats are coming" was once a battle cry in this area.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A Black and White View - Part 2 of 3, Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Many folks were out and about on the Commonwealth Mall in the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston on a gray winter day before the rain arrived. The French-looking building in the background - it is named the Vendome - was originally built in 1872 as a hotel, now as luxury condos. 

A sculpture on the mall of Phillis Wheatley who was the first African-American author of a published book of poetry (in 1773).

A memorial to the nine fallen fire-fighters of the 1972 fire at the Vendome.

Walking the dog - always popular along the broad walkway.

Around the corner on the parallel Beacon Street.