A Favorite Post

Monday, June 1, 2020

Out and About, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

In a normal year, this scene would be thronged with humans, walking the waterfront, stopping to view the hallowed "Plymouth Rock," housed in this classic structure.

Lacking people, I stretched out this vehicle for additional subject matter.

The normally bustling downtown has neither pedestrians nor automobile traffic. (It is also worth noting that the April 1st implementation of paid parking on the street has not yet begun!! A bright spot in the pandemic era.)

And speaking of bright spots, spring continues unaffected by the trials and tribulations of humankind.

One of the few patches of wisteria I have seen in the town, adjacent to a red maple.

More azalea.

Rolling farmland in Chiltonville, one of the many villages of Plymouth.

 I am not exactly sure what these creatures are but, I am staying on my side of the fence.

No fence between us but, I am on my side of the window glass with a point and shoot zoom to capture this skittish red-shouldered hawk perched looking for lunch in Manomet. He is fond of fresh frog. Ah, springtime.

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