A Favorite Post

Thursday, June 4, 2020

In Memoriam - Geronimo Sands, Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT), Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Pymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Geronimo Sands (Jim Lonigro) - for 50 years he owned and was the guiding light and larger-than-life force at Priscilla Beach Theatre.  He passed away recently.  The above image was from the last production in which he starred at PBT, "Tuesdays With Morrie," in July 2014.  More images and my original blog post from that production are at this link.

The following moments were captured just a few weeks before opening night. Note: Skin tones appear normal on a desktop or laptop view - not necessarily so on a smartphone screen.

Owners, directors, and production staff at PBT in the summer of 2014. Geronimo is seated at center.

Geronimo enjoying the "ice bucket challenge."  His co-star, Cliff Blake, is doing the pouring.

Geronimo is fifth from the right in this group image of PBT summer workshop participants and staff. Note the barn was under construction in the background.  All performances that year took place either inside in the black box or outside under the big top tent as construction continued on the barn.

A few years ago, in August 2017, local award-winning journalist Emily Clark published a beautiful story about Geronimo in the Plymouth Old Colony Memorial/Wicked Local, you can follow this link to it.  If you already read it, read it again - if not, read it now - it's such a warm and wonderful piece of writing about a man so many loved so dearly.

Goodbye for now, Geronimo; you'll be with us forever.

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