A Favorite Post

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

St. Patrick's Day Parade, South Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in "Southie" was another resounding success and with very cooperating weather this year!

Although the strong breeze made it challenging to get the flag into position at the starting line, blue sky and sunshine made it a spectacular time for participants and spectators alike.

For me, it started at the Braintree end of the Red Line Subway route. There were few riders at that point, but with each successive stop heading north into town, the cars filled to standing room only. It became a good joke among the passengers near me that I was the only "old" person on the train - until finally two women my age also got on. There was much celebration among my new friends when that occurred (perhaps their partying had already begun?) .

By the time we got to the Broadway stop in South Boston, the flood of happy humanity was in full force.

Some folks were all in for the event....

There were big hats........

....and little hats.......

...and no hats (that's the mayor of Boston, Marty Walsh, waving to the crowd).

There were bagpipers.....

....and brass bands....

....and honor guards......

....and even Uncle Sam was there.......

.... and a group of tin men!

By almost any standard, it was a great day to be out and about in the wondrous city of Boston on a sunny winter day to celebrate the long Irish traditions in this fine city. Estimates of more than one million people attended this event.

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