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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Ithaca is Gorges, Ithaca, New York, USA

As their advertising campaign states, "Ithaca is Gorges." It is both a truism and a play on the words, Ithaca is gorgeous. And not all the gorges are big - like this riffle that flows through the Cornell University campus and joins the bigger flow......

....in the Cascadilla Creek gorge.

I wish I had been able to walk the trail beside the creek but, it was closed for the winter season.

I really like this stone bridge - I kept expecting Gollum to peek out from under the edge of the bridge and wink at me.

Here's a longer exposure view to blur the water just a bit. And also to show the safety net that prevents bridge jumpers from being successful.

I have been to many cities in my life and am still overwhelmed by the extraordinary presence of so many waterfalls both in or nearby the downtown area. Ithaca truly is gorges/gorgeous!

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