A Favorite Post

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Gray Days of Late Fall, Ithaca, New York, USA

The sun has been hiding for a few days now behind a veil of drizzle or rain but, it is still a grand sight looking out over Cayuga Lake from the Cornell University campus. The lake is the longest of New York's Finger Lakes stretching for almost 40 miles to the north.

In this view, downtown Ithaca is in the left mid-distance, and a part of the Cornell University campus is in the foreground. Ithaca is located at the southern end of Cayuga Lake.

Gray day or not, downtown waterfall "Ithaca Falls," pours out its usual torrent of water which flows through town and drains into Cayuga Lake.

Walking farther up the same gorge gives sight of the next waterfall. The suspension footbridge that spans the gorge is for pedestrians/students/professors and connects a nearby residential area to the campus.

The students criss-cross the campus coming and going to classes, seemingly oblivious to the cold - ah, the pleasures of youthful vigor and good circulation.

Enough of this black and white world, time for some indoor color........

...... perhaps at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art on the Cornell University campus, or, .....

..  a delicious, homemade colorful vegan lunch of red peppers, black beans, brown rice, meatless meatballs, spinach, and pasta - all leftovers - a refrigerator surprise - always a favorite.

As always, the gray weather was temporary and got pushed out by a cold air mass leaving bright blue skies and wind - and cold. Here's the temperature when I got up that morning. It was not a misprint.

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