A Favorite Post

Monday, November 12, 2018

Boston - Out and About and Above, Part 4 of 8, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

In this part of downtown, at least one of the faces of the clock tower on the Custom House is visible from almost everywhere. If you're wondering how that clock with four faces works and stays in sync, stay tuned -  more on that subject in a coming post.

The sky was foreboding and torrential rain was imminent but we walked over to the Seaport District to have lunch at this popular all-Vegan restaurant.  All-vegan restaurants are still rare in my experience but,  popularity is growing as more and more people around the world reassess and reject the treatment of animals in our food industry and embrace the health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet.

Above is an excerpt from their menu - it tastes as yummy as it sounds - and they have many more delicious items on the full menu listing !

I noted this clever way to adorn a building vent as we walked fast as the rain started to pelt us.  Even with a raincoat, my pants and shoes were drenched by the time we made it back to shelter. I guess I should have carried an umbrella but, that seemed like such an "old man" thing to do and I was pretending to be a young hipster in Boston. Of course, I passed dozens of young hipsters carrying umbrellas as I walked - who would have thought - umbrellas are hip. Oh well, I'll dry out.

Other posts in this series are:

Part 1 is at this link.
Part 2 is at this link.
Part 3 is at this link.
Part 4 is at this link.
Part 5 is at this link.
Part 6 is at this link.
Part 7 is at this link.
Part 8 is at this link.

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